Website Coming Soon
I wanted to express my appreciation for all those following despite my lack of updates. I did not want to put out a full page here until I had more than one game to show for it. Elven Paladin is literally my first and only game and I did want more to show for it first.
Despite that, I still get notices that someone new has followed me every so often, and I have to show my gratitude for it. I take it as a sigh of confidence that I will come up with something you'll all want to see in the future. I'm happy to tell I have been working on a project for the last two years, and every new follower gives me motivation to see it through.
Thank you everyone for your patience and belief I'll have something that will make you glad you kept your eyes on me. It's slow going, but these boosts of confidence make me eager to get to that finish line.
Thank you again!